
Funny Faces
Animated board sequence of simple characters

Lady Liberty
A work in progress. Slumbering Lady Liberty is awoken by a nasty intruder.

Baby Freud At the Beach


The Origins of Penis Envy

A short story inspired by Robert Bly's thought's on Freud and "Penis Envy" as discussed in The Sibling Society.

First published on my Instagram account for #inktober2016.

The Nutshack

'The Nutshack', an animated cartoon based on the dirty adventures of two Filipino youths growing up in the notorious Tenderloin district of San Francisco. 

Watch the completed animation! Careful, it's NSFW.

Watch the completed animation! Carefull, it's NSFW.

The Cave

A light appears in the darkness and creatures that were once blind must now adjust to a new life.

Below are the first 4 pages of Ch. 1

Click here to view all of Ch. 1

Don't Hate in the 408!

Short comics about two friends trying to make it in the Bay Area as artists.

Click here to view the entire series.

My Name is Roar!

Images from a children's book about a very enthusiastic bear who
wants to be a camper like the other kids.